Round Bale Wrap

Be sure to pick up your round bale wrap, it can be dangerous to bucks
We Have a Hog Problem!
We have a hog problem! Here are some websites and also see the attached publication. You also have a local resource person available - Josh Helcel 254-248-0562.
Click here for TAMU Feral Hogs Video Page.
Click here for TAMU Wild Pig Management Video Youtube Page.
Click here for
Texas A&M Wild
Pig Newsletter
Click here for
Guillotine Style Wild Pic Trap Gates (Banta Model)

SWHWMA was formed in 1999 by two concerned landowners. These two forward thinking land stewards saw the
need to formalize the management practices they knew would improve the deer population on their ranches along
the Lampasas River.
Those management practices have had a significant impact on the health, buck to doe ratio and antler size of
the deer in the area. The association has
grown to encompass 50 members and over 11,000 acres of managed lands stretching along the Lampasas River Valley
from Hwy 84 south to Hwy 281.
In addition to cooperating with our neighbors to manage various types of wildlife and improve their habitats
on our land, participation through the Managed Lands Deer Permits system also gives members the added benefit
of extending their deer hunting season. With increasing land fragmentation and the resulting hunting pressure,
only by landowners and hunters working toward the same goals we will continue to see the wildlife on our ranches
The purpose of the association is to increase numbers, improve quality of wildlife and enhance the quality of hunting within the managed area by accomplishing the following goals:
Balance wildlife numbers with the carrying capacity of the land.
Maintaining and improving wildlife habitat.
Improve the ratio of bucks to does
Improve the marketing value of wildlife resources
Improve landowner-hunter relationships
Reduce numbers of wildlife taken illegally (poaching).
Improve wildlife numbers through predator control
Increase the amount of managed land within the association
Provide educational opportunities for the Association members
To be a non-profit organization
Work to increase the average age of the bucks within the herd.